How to Nullify Negative Signals
The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 26
Questioner: This is very revealing to us.
Thank you.
Each of us gets signals and dreams.
I have been aware of clairaudient communication at least once in waking up.
Can you suggest a method whereby we might be able, shall I say, to nullify the influence of that which we don’t want of a negative source?
Ra: I am Ra. There are various methods.
We shall offer the most available or simple.
To share the difficult contact with the other-selves associated with this working and to meditate in love for these senders of images and light for self and other-selves is the most available means of nullifying the effects of such occurrences.
To downgrade these experiences by the use of intellect or the disciplines of will is to invite the prolonging of the effects.
Far better then to share in trust such experiences and join hearts and souls in love and light with compassion for the sender and armor for the self.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 77
Questioner: I have three questions that the instrument asked me to ask which I will get out of the way first.
She wants to know if the preparation for her hospital experience could be improved if she should ever have to repeat it?
Ra: I am Ra. All was done well with one exception.
The instrument was instructed to spend space/time contemplating its self as the Creator.
This, done in a more determined fashion, would be beneficial at times when the mind complex is weakened by severe assaults upon the distortions of the body complex towards pain.
There is no necessity for negative thought-forms regardless of pain distortions.
The elimination of such creates the lack of possibility for negative elementals and other negative entities to use these thought-forms to create the worsening of the mind complex deviation from the normal distortions of cheerfulness/anxiety.