Using 'Power of The Will' to Accelerate Spiritual Growth

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The Archetypical Mind or The Evolutionary Process of Our Milky Way Galaxy
Acceleration Towards The Law of One and Spiritual Growth
Albert Einstein and His Equation
What Are The Distortions of The Law of One?
The Proper Function of Sexual Reproductive Practices and The Propagation of Offspring


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Higher Density Lessons (4th, 5th, 6th & 7th Density)

Who Are The Orion Group? (Service-to-Self 'Negative' Polarity)
Who Are The Elder Race?
Preparation or Intake of Foodstuff in 4th, 5th and 6th Density Experience
The Effects of 4th Density 'Vibrational Spectrum' on Planet Earth
Who Are The Confederation? (Service-to-Others 'Positive' Polarity)
We are a loosely structured, non-hierarchical network of individuals from around the world dedicated to understanding, exemplifying and practising the truth we refer to as the Law of One.