Sanctifying a Dwelling or Getting Rid of Negative Energy Using Garlic, Salt and Water
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 41
RA I am Ra. I greet you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator.
We communicate now.
I have one question of logistics to start with.
I know it’s a dumb question, but I have to ask it to be sure.
There is a possibility that we may have to move from this location to a location a thousand or more miles from here in the future.
Will this have any effect at all on our contact with Ra?
RA I am Ra. This is not a foolish question.
The location is meaningless, for are we not in the creation?
However, the place of the working shall be either carefully adjudged by your selves to be of the appropriate vibratory levels, or it shall be suggested that the purification of the place be enacted and dedication made through meditation before initial working.
This might entail such seemingly mundane chores as the cleansing or painting of surfaces which you may deem to be inappropriately marred.
I am familiar with the Banishing Ritual of the Lesser Pentagram.
I was just wondering if this ritual was of use in preparing a place for this type of working?1
1 An explanation of the Banishing Ritual can be found in various Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn works, including as an appendix in W.E. Butler’s book The Magician, His Training, and His Work.
RA I am Ra. This is correct.
Then generally, what you’re saying is that even if we moved over a thousand miles away, if we carefully prepared a place that we found, even though it had been used by others previously, it could be made satisfactory.
Is this correct?
RA I am Ra. Yes.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 95
Questioner: There seems to be an extremely high probability that we will move from this position to another residence.
If we move from this residence and cease using this room for workings with Ra, is there a magically appropriate ritual for closing the use of this place of working, or is there anything that we should do with respect to leaving this particular place?
Ra: I am Ra. It would be appropriate to remove from this room and, to a lesser extent, from the dwelling, the charging of what you might call the distortion towards sanctity.
To remove this charge it is valuable either to write upon your paper your own working or to use existing rituals for the deconsecration of a sacred place such as one of your churches.
Questioner: Thank you.
The new room that we choose for this working will of course be carefully cleaned and marred surfaces made well.
We shall also use the Banishing Ritual of the Lesser Pentagram prior to a working.
Is there anything else that Ra could suggest?
I would like, also, to know if there is anything in particular that you might suggest with respect to the particular place that has been chosen for our new location?
Ra: I am Ra. We scan the recent memory configurations of the questioner.
Firstly, there have been some less than harmonious interactions within this dwelling.
The dynamics of this interaction were potent enough to attract a lesser thought-form.
Therefore, we suggest the salting and ritual cleansing by blessed water of all windows and doorways which offer adit into the domicile or any out-buildings thereof.
Further, we suggest the hanging of the cut garlic clove in the portion of the room which has accommodated those whose enjoyment has turned into a darker emotion centering upon the area we find you call the wet bar, also the room intended for the sleeping which is found near the kitchen area.
The appropriate words used to bid farewell to those of the lower astral shall be used in connection with the hanging of the garlic cloves for the period of approximately 36 of your hours.
We believe that this is equivalent to two of your night periods and one of your lit periods.
This should cleanse the house as you find it to the extent that it is neutral in its vibrations of harmony, love, and thanksgiving which this group shall then, as the incarnational experience proceeds, offer to the domicile.
Questioner: I am assuming that we would prepare the blessed water the same as we prepare the water for the instrument to drink after a session and would then wipe the windows and doors with this water.
This would probably have to be done in a bucket.
I would like to know if this is correct, and what was meant by salting the windows and doors?
Ra: I am Ra.
you may bless the water yourselves or may request socalled holy water from any blessed place; that is, blessed by intention.
the water shall be carefully shaken from the fingers along the sills of all windows and doors as they have been opened.
prior to the sprinkling of this cleansing, blessing sacrament of water, the salt shall be trailed along these sills in a line and again allowed to exist in this configuration for 36 to 48 hours.
Then the virgin broom may ritually sweep the salt out of each window and doorway, sweeping with each stroke the less fortunate of the vibrations within the dwelling which might find coexistence with group difficult.
Questioner: I assume that you mean that we should put the salt only on the outer doorway sills and not on the inner doorway sills in the house. Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
We cannot express the nature of salt and water and garlic with clarity enough to inform you as to the efficacy with which salt absorbs vibrations which have been requested to move into salt when salt has been given water.
We cannot express the full magical nature of your water, nor can we express the likeness and attractiveness of the garlic cut to lower astral forms.
The attractiveness is negative and no service-to-self astral form will accept coexistence with the cut garlic.
Therefore, we offer the suggestions.
We also request, carefully, that the broom be clean and that the garlic be burned.
The virginity of the broom is most efficacious.
Questioner: Let me see if I have the scenario correctly in mind.
I’ll repeat my version of it.
We would hang fresh-cut garlic in the area of the wet bar and in the area of the bedroom that is adjacent to the kitchen area.
We would salt all window sills and all outer wall door sills and then sprinkle blessed water from our fingers on the salted areas.
We would then say the appropriate words to bid farewell to lower astrals.
Those words I am not sure of.
Would Ra comment on the scenario that I have stated?
Ra: I am Ra. Your grasp of our suggestions is good.
We note that the salt be poured in the straight line with no gaps.
There are various ritual words of blessing and farewell to entities such as you are removing.
We might suggest the following.
When the salt is laid you may repeat
“We praise the one Creator which gave to salt the ability to enable those friends, to which we wish to bid farewell, to find a new home.”
As the water is sprinkled you may say
“We give thanks to the one Creator for the gift of water. Over it the Creator moves Its hand and stirs Its will to be done.”
The hanging of the cut garlic may be accompanied by the words
“We praise the one Creator for the gift of garlic and bless its ability to offer to those friends to whom we wish to bid farewell the arrow which points their way of egress.”
When the sweeping is done you may say
“We praise the one Creator and give thanksgiving for the spiritual cleanliness of this dwelling place.”
As the garlic is burned you may say
“We give thanks to the one Creator for the gift of spiritual cleanliness in our dwelling place and seal the departure of all those who have left by this exit by the consuming of this substance” .
Questioner: Is there any place more appropriate than any other to hang the garlic in the room; for instance, over the windows or anything like that?
I know that it is supposed to be hung in the area of the bar but I meant in the bedroom.
Is there any more appropriate place than another?
Ra: I am Ra. The windows and the doorways are most appropriate and, in addition, we suggest the salting and sprinkling of any door which may lead elsewhere than out of the dwelling in order to afford to the entities the understanding that they are not desired elsewhere within the dwelling.
Questioner: I understand that the garlic is to be used at the bar area and the bedroom that is close to the kitchen and has an exit onto the carport.
If I am correct, those are the only two places that it is to be used.
This is correct, isn’t it?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 96
Questioner: The sequence of events that I am considering is first the painting and then the cleaning, then the moving in of the furniture, then the salting and use of garlic.
Is this as good as any other sequence or would another sequence be better?
Ra: I am Ra. Any sequence which results in the cleansing is acceptable.
It is to be noted that the thresholds are not to be crossed during the cleansing.
Since such stricture upon use of the limen may affect your considerations we make note of this.
Questioner: Would Ra comment on the technique of blessing the water that we will use to sprinkle the salt?
I assume that we just sprinkle the water directly off of our finger tips onto the line of salt.
How much water, in general, should be sprinkled on the salt?
How wet should we get it?
I would like to get this done right.
Ra: I am Ra. The blessing of the water may be that one we have previously given, or it may be that one which is written within the liturgy of this instrument’s distortion of the worship of the one Creator, or it may simply be obtained from what you call your Catholic Church in the form of holy water.
The intention of blessing is the notable feature of blessed water.
The water may be sprinkled not so that all salt is soaked but so that a goodly portion has been dampened.
This is not a physical working.
The substances need to be seen in their ideal state so that water may be seen to be enabling the salt.
The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 51
Session 101, December 21, 1982
Questioner: Would cleansing of the nature suggested for the other house just south of the airport in Atlanta be advisable for the 893 Oakdale Road address?
Ra: I am Ra. We note that any residence, whether previously benign, as is the one of which you speak, or previously of malignant character, needs the basic cleansing of the salt, water, and broom.
The benign nature of the aforementioned domicile is such that the cleansing could be done in two portions; that is, no egress or entrance through any but one opening for one cleansing.
Then egress and entrance from all other places while the remaining portal is properly sealed.
The placing of salt may be done at the place which is not being sealed during the first of the cleansings, and the salt may be requested to act as seal and yet allow the passage of gentle spirits such as yourselves.
We suggest that you speak to this substance and name each entity for which permission is needed in order to pass.
Let no person pass without permission being asked of the salt.
This is the case in the residence of which you speak.
The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 55
Session 105, October 19, 1983
Questioner: Is any consideration of the appropriateness of the house at Lake Lanier which we intend to move to or special preparation other than that planned advisable?
Ra: I am Ra. We believe you have queried obliquely.
Please requery.
Questioner: We plan to cleanse the property at the Lake Lanier location using the techniques prescribed by Ra having to do with using the salt for 36 hours, etc.
I would like to know if this is sufficient or if there is any salient problem with respect to moving to that house that Ra could advise upon at this time please.
Ra: I am Ra. The cleansing of the dwelling of which you speak need be only three nights and two days.
This dwelling is benign.
The techniques are acceptable.
We find three areas in which use of garlic as previously described would be beneficial.
the bunk bed room, below the top sleeping pallet.
the exterior of the dwelling facing the road and centering about the small rocks approximately two-thirds of the length of the dwelling from the driveway side.
there is the matter of the boathouse.
We suggest weekly cleansings of that area with garlic, the cut onions and the walking of a light-filled perimeter.
The garlic and onion, renewed weekly, should remain permanently hung, suspended from string or wire between workings.
Questioner: Just so that I don’t make a mistake in interpreting your directions with respect to the second area outside the house, could you give me a distance and magnetic compass heading from the exact center of the dwelling to that position?
Ra: I am Ra. We may only be approximate but would suggest a distance of 37 feet, a magnetic heading of 84 to 92 degrees.
Questioner: I know that it is unimportant for our purposes and from the philosophical point of view I don’t want to do anything to upset the Law of Confusion, so don’t feel that it is necessary to answer this, but I was wondering what condition created the necessity for such continual cleansing of the boathouse?
Ra: I am Ra. The intent is to create a perimeter within which the apiary denizens will not find it necessary to sting and indeed will not find it promising to inhabit.
Questioner: Are you speaking of bees or wasps or creatures of that type?
Ra: I am Ra. That is so.
Questioner: Are Jim’s plans and ritual for the deconsecrating of this dwelling sufficient, or should something be added or changed?
Ra: I am Ra. No change is necessary.
The points necessary to be included in consecration or deconsecration of the place are covered.
We may suggest that each second-density, woody plant which you have invested during your tenancy within this dwelling be thanked and blessed.
The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 56
Session 106, March 15, 1984
Questioner: How about the metaphysical quality of the house?
Could Ra appraise that please?
Ra: I am Ra. This location is greatly distorted.
We find an acceptable description of this location’s quality to elude us without recourse to hackneyed words.
Forgive our limitations of expression.
The domicile and its rear aspect, especially, is blessed and angelic presences have been invoked for some of your time past.
Questioner: I’m not sure that I understand what Ra means by that.
I’m not sure if the place is metaphysically extremely good or extremely negative.
Could Ra clear that up, please?
Ra: I am Ra. We intended to stress the metaphysical excellence of the proposed location.
The emblements of such preparation may well be appreciated by this group.
Questioner: Would the cleansing by salt and water be necessary for this location then?
Or would it be recommended?
Ra: I am Ra. There is the recommended metaphysical cleansing as in any relocation.
No matter how fine the instrument, the tuning still is recommended between each concert or working.
Questioner: Is it as efficacious to cleanse the house with salt and water after we move in as it is before we move in?
Ra: I am Ra. In this case it is not an urgent metaphysical concern as timing would be in a less benign and happy atmosphere.
One notes the relative simplicity of accomplishing such prior to occupancy.
This is unimportant except as regards the catalyst with which you wish to deal.